| 0 Comment| 6:36 am|



Purpose: To contribute towards strengthening electoral republic processes by aiding in coordinating and enforcing the voting and results programmes of the Electoral Commission at voting station position.

Inclusive remuneration package ranging from R800 to R 1,200 subject to statutory deductions and days engaged/ trained).

Minimum Conditions

  • Must be a SA citizen
  • Must be a registered namer
    In the last five years must n’t have held political office or been a seeker in an election or have been politically active for a political party or campaigning for a political party In the last five years must n’t have been tagged to office in an organisation that has party political confederations or aims
  • Must n’t have been condemned of serious felonious offence( s)

As far as conceivably must have some form of training or farther education

  • Must have access to a mobile telephone
  • Must be complete in the applicable original languages of the megacity
  • Must have a valid bank account

Liabilities of the job( subject to position appointed to)

  • Conduct or help with operating the VMD
  • Conduct or help with issuing of ballot papers to choosers
  • Conduct or help with inking of namer’s thumbnail
  • Conduct or help with counting of votes
  • Tidy or help with tidying the voting station ahead and after advancing
    subscribe or oversee the signing of attendance register as evidence of attendance
  • Conduct or help with double envelope special voting system
  • Conduct yourself in a professional and unprejudiced manner
  • Safeguard IEC accoutrements
  • Conduct or help with line operation at the voting station
  • Prioritize choosers with special needs
  • Conduct or help with all counting and roll- reverse affiliated tasks

How to apply

All operations must include

  • Qualification documents;
  • Identity document
  • Driving Licence (Only if is needed)

Closing date: Not Specified

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