Department of Community
Safety and Transport Management
ROAD Business operation Reference no. 01/2024 ‘ Te Department of Community Safety and Transport Management invites operations fo the Road ‘ afie Management Loamecship Prosyamme witch soaks 1 eapactate jobless youth aged Between 18 and 35 set thn the North West Prone. & monty paycheck of FoodD per month vibe paid.
Learnership Programme areas follows
Learership Programme( Conditions ‘ Road Tai Management| Unemployed youth( between the periods of 18 & 95) * Grade 12 Coniteata” Vocatonal National Gaifiest Lé( statemeont of ‘ eau wit not be accepted) RSA reality document * Potoe Criminal Clearance Repor( 3 weeks) stety tem South ‘ Aircan Pole Services ftscn medium repr inlcating thatthe sppicnt sto do Strenvous being( tel trom registered heath professional wit an oi stamp) Avalis ervers teense( law 8,10 and 14) Nofarnersoonse willbe Sccopted = Notattoos * Poot of hearthstone( ect tom Municpalty and Tastonal Counc. INBNo statement of aocount’ NB Learner who have preliminarily been n a Leararship programme inthe Publo Service wl not be ‘ onaired NB During encoiment te council wll ot accept any appcant who wil be 96 times of age.
Compliance Note operations must be submited onthe bettered Z83, approved to be tized Wit elect 01 January 2021, which must bo uly completed and mandatory to be inked and dated ‘ Should the aspirants ueeinconect operation tem for employment( 289), the operations wil ot be considered fo selacion purposes( dsqualfied), The 283 must Be accompanied by detaled ‘ Curicutur vito wih at fast tives names ofrofrees with streamlined contact dette. Subjects of‘olavant qualicaton’ should be mentioned in th GV.
Applicants are requested to completo the 253{ om propery and inf. Sections A, 8, © and D are mandatory, ard Sactons E.F and G do notfood to be complated ia dotaled GV covering the Sactons mentioned f aiached, still{ ueston related to condtions tha provent fe- appoiciment under Pat F is mandatory. The{ Employment appicaton form( 283) is Gotanabie at any National or Provincial Department announcement is‘oeesable onthe DPSA webste yn. do8a.0042. ‘ Appleatons wth pot mare quaiiations inctucing short courses ekils development regrammes wl ot be accepted Four to submit the requested documents wil sui the operation not being considered, ‘ Gusitiotons wl be verted ‘ Canzidates must mceate th conect reference number, postion, and name ofthe Oppartmentin thet applicatons as stated in the adver. Both the departmental nama and postion mast be proscription fa. ‘ options must be fortard on tne to the department since appiations entered ater the ‘ hosing date nazated below o as ale not be alternate.
Faxed and emaed operations hot accuptes, Iwao anticipated of campaigners tobe avaale for selection itenaws on a date, Se and pace as Gatermmned bythe Department “ Tne Department eserves the right roto make movables . Corespondence sil be imtes to shetsteg cancigats oy. ‘ Atapporimens are subordinated toa positive quaifleations verification 2s wall as security ‘ larance and vetting( 9. aspirants who prencusly applied are encouraged to apply again.
Enquiries should be direct to Mt: Kalo Mogots atl (18) 200 8080 (CLOSING DATE: 11 OCTOBER 2008 ‘Completed applications shouldbe forwarded to: Emall address: CSTMTiiningSnupa.sov20 Hand delivery to: 1. Head Offce: he Dect Human Resource Management: Department of Community Safety and CComsnanty Oowstopmart, Private Bag 10 Mmnabatho, 2795 or hand dared o Tilo Bud Dr Albert Luthul Ore, Otieo no 198, fr atoton Me K. Megat “Ngaka Modi Molema District Municipality Office, Satety House, 94 Molopo Street Matken, forattonlon Ns. P Kot Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompat, yburg Tate Staion, CPA Bung, 58 Molopo Road, Viybu, Fev attenion is. 5. Sones Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality, Potchotvoom Title Staion, 147 Kris Stat, Potchesteom, For attention tr P kohono. Bojanala Distict Municipality, Provincial Tat, 139 Kok Stet, Rustenburg. For attonton ML Motta